But this morning we are headed into Pennshaw, Kangaroo Island, a bit late, but at least I can catch y’all up, on the Sea days they are busy days, and even though we were bouncing off the walls, literally, these days were no exception. In watercolor class we painted a Koloa bear, and a wave, the wave was easy for me, sort of the bear,,,,, well. The things that made the wave difficult is the fact, you have to do the white part first, ie, put a white crayon on the part you want to be white, well that is the opposite of the way you paint in other mediums. The bear,,,, well. I also went to craft class and made wine charms, and valentine earrings
Ed is keeping up with his thi chee, even when it was hard to stand up.
So we are off to another excursion today, and that will be fine, but we are missing our family.
Quote “Travel brings POWER and LOVE back to your life” -Rumi
As if Valentine's day isn't enough of a reason for some rock and roll. :) Glad you are hanging on tight and not getting blown away by such strong winds. Praying for smooth sailing. Wishing the best and lots of Love, Hugs and kisses!